The Soft Science of Tennis

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book, The Soft Science of Tennis. Click Here 

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“For almost two decades, I’ve coached against Frank Giampaolo. In the last few years, I’ve had access to his publications and gained tremendous insight into his coaching mind. His most recent book, The Soft Science of Tennis, delves into the brain in ways that can make all coaches better. Knowing how our students learn is step one. Showing us how to approach these students with our information, Frank provides step two.

As a player, a larger toolbox means you are able to solve more problems on-court. In coaching, a larger toolbox means we have more approaches to transfer our information effectively. The Soft Science of Tennis is a chainsaw in the world of coaching artistry. With it, we can carve, sculpt and chisel away the unnecessary bark of our students and quickly get to the core of things. Kudos to Frank for taking time to step away from the court to transfer this wisdom to the parenting, coaching community.”

Craig Cignarelli, St. Petersburg, Florida, WTA Tour Coach


“Frank Giampaolo has done it again… Just when you thought things couldn’t get better, they have! The Soft Science of Tennis will truly impact the athletes, parents, and coaches. This is a book of wisdom, and Frank is passing this on with his usual energetic exuberance. I recommend this for club professionals, directors, parents, and students. This is not just about tennis, it is about life, I say Well Done!”

Alec Horton, Los Angeles, California Director of Tennis Operations, Griffin Club


“Serious players know that tennis mirrors life. Great players train with that in mind. No one understands this better than Frank Giampaolo, who’s pioneering insights about applying ‘soft skills’ on-court will undoubtedly bring out the best in players and coaches alike.”

P.J. Simmons, New York, New York Founder, The Tennis Congress


“Franks latest book The Soft Science of Tennis is 100% the next book you must read! Communication is key, and Frank’s ability to communicate in all the ways in which we can communicate better is outstanding in this book. It’s easy and fun to read, and you will get hooked on his message.”

Bill Riddle, Nashville, Tennessee – PTR/ USPTA Elite Tennis Professional International Speaker/ Presenter


“Frank has hit it out of the park again. I am lucky enough to know Frank personally, and I can say without reservation that he “gets it”. Frank spends a great deal of effort listening to others. This is his trick to shaping his ideas and thoughts regarding the dissection of the inner workings of tennis players.

Once again, he has climbed deep into the weeds to explain a very important facet of our sport and our players that is the inner mental and emotional that most teaching professionals won’t spend the time researching. This aspect is so critical to the success of players.  I particularly love the story of how Frank came to the VBTC.  I have heard him tell it me several times and it never gets old.  Thanks, Frank for another groundbreaking piece. Keep them coming.”

Lane Evans, Hendersonville, North Carolina, USPTA Southern President, USPTA Tester & National Fitness & Wellness Committee Chairman





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