Tennis Improvement

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Being Improvement Minded

The trouble with not having clear improvement goals is that you can hit balls all day… every day and never achieve results.” Frank Giampaolo

It’s not enough to simply hit balls endlessly without deliberate direction. Champions understand that actual progress requires a clear focus on improvement—a hidden skill that propels them at a faster rate toward their outcome goals.

Successful athletes have a secret: they maintain a deliberate and customized developmental plan. They don’t just practice for the sake of hitting; they know precisely what they’re working on, why they’re doing it, and how it will help them achieve their goals.

To adopt this hidden skill, you’ll set clear, achievable weekly goals. These goals should be based on your tournament performances, where you objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses. After each event, list three target improvements you’ll focus on. Share these topics with your team of coaches.

The process doesn’t stop at setting goals. After planning these improvements, taking actionable steps to reach them is essential. Develop a blueprint for your improvement plan, detailing your strategies. Then, rigorously execute your plan, staying on target until you are satisfied with your progress.

This secret skill transforms practice into a more purposeful endeavor. It ensures that every moment you spend on the court is a step toward becoming a better player. It shifts your focus from quantity to quality, from mindless repetition to intentional progress.

With a clear focus on improvement, you can avoid hitting a plateau where your efforts yield diminishing returns. You may find yourself stuck in a cycle of frustration, endlessly repeating the same mental mistakes without understanding how to correct them.

Consider the journey of a tennis player as a series of milestones. Each improvement goal you set is a step that brings you closer to your ultimate destination. This approach separates those who merely hit balls from those who systematically build their skills.

You can accelerate your journey toward success by understanding the importance of setting clear goals and continuously working to improve. Improvement is not a destination but a perpetual process, and it’s a skill that anyone can cultivate with the right mindset and dedication.


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