Parents, Allow Your Athletes to Dream Big

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s newest book soon to be released, Preparing for Pressure.


Preparing for Pressure

“Winners are nurtured to dream big.”

Why are some athletes content to let their peers shine? Why do the average players laugh at dreamers? Every great innovation started with a dream. Preparing for pressure includes the acceptance of dreaming big. Once accepted, the parents have to work to nurture it.

All throughout the history of tennis, there have seen ordinary men and women come from humble backgrounds…with nothing but a dream. Most of these athletes weren’t especially gifted or financially wealthy. Yet they were able to become top ATP and WTA professionals. What separates us from them is their family decision and commitment to push beyond mediocrity. It doesn’t take much effort from parents and players to be average. Follow the crowd, and you’ll reach that level.

Most athletes dream of playing professional or NCAA D-1 ball but only a few are destined for greatness. It’s estimated that only 5% of High school varsity tennis players move on to play high-level college tennis. It’s not their lack of athleticism, it’s their lack of a deliberate, customized developmental plan.

Preparing your athletes for pressure includes training longer, smarter, and harder than the academy group down the street. It requires a high tennis IQ, well developed emotional aptitude, and the acceptance of serious weekly growth.


Dreaming big is a nice start, but dreaming doesn’t make it real. Parents, ask your athletes to think big, believe big, work big, and most of all…learn big. After they’ve dreamt it, start working for it.


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