Attaining Tennis Excellence

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.
Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo0623P_5063


Top Ten Tools Needed to Attain Tennis Excellence

The mental and emotional strength of being a fierce competitor and a respectful human being is a learned behavior. Building mental and emotional muscle takes time and effort.

The way you think and feel effects how you perform. Rafa Nadal is a prime example of player that has built mental and emotional strength through hard work.

If your player truly believes in his or her game as a result of proper training and hard work he or she is bound for greatness.

No one can outperform their self-image. Due to their discipline, athletes like Rafa, have inner strength and inner excellence. They truly believe in themselves and their abilities because they’ve earned the belief.

Top Ten Tools Needed to Attain Tennis Excellence:

  1. Hit the gym to gain strength.
  2. Commit to improving with unrelenting determination.
  3. Develop the mental side of shot selection to master offense, neutral & defensive skills.
  4. Schedule time to strengthen their speed, stamina, and agility.
  5. Revise between point rituals to enhance  “clear headedness” of shot selection on big points.
  6. Improve your ability to apply spin.
  7. Cultivate the competitive attitude. Do this by adding simulated stress with every drill. We call them “stress buster drills”.
  8. Perfect the ability to live in the moment (producing precisely what the moment calls for) by rehearsing closing out sets.
  9. Replace the need to win with the love of the battle.
  10. Reform calmness under stress, by simulating those intense moments.

For more information read The Tennis Parent’s Bible– hundreds of hours of lessons for less than a half hour lesson!


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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