Tennis Training Organization

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible
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QUESTION: My Son isn’t that serious. Does he still need a plan?


Frank: I still highly recommend organizing a weekly schedule. Regardless of a player’s long-term aspirations, whether it is to play as a professional or simply play as a hobbyist, an organized blueprint will maximize potential at the quickest rate through discipline.

Completing a weekly planner and being accountable for their time and actions are essential life lessons.  A disciplined player may excel and find a passion greater than initially expected or choose to redirect their passion, either way important life skills are nurtured through the discipline of organization.


For those parents and coaches saying, “What about the child that only wants to be a high school player?” I remind them that I’ve yet to have a parent come to me and state: “My wife and I want you to train our daughter to be a completely average tennis player!”


“An athletes schedule may vary depending on their goals, but their organizational
skill sets will become permanent assets.”


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