Tennis Kobe’s Approach

The Psychology of Tennis Parenting

Kobe’s Approach

I’m from Southern California. I’m not necessarily a Lakers basketball fanatic, but I was a huge Kobe fan. As a lifelong student of high-performance sports, I was fascinated by his approach to greatness. He realized that you need a different approach than the rest to become the best. His developmental plan was very detailed, and his pre-game preparation was exceptional. His self-awareness and opponent awareness were insane. He studied his past game videos and future opponents’ game day tapes. The extra work he put into his job outside the team’s regular training was sheer discipline.

Solution: Apply Kobe’s discipline to your athlete’s developmental blueprint. He called it the “Mamba Mentality.” He said it’s all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most. His Five Pillars of the Mamba Mentality:

  1. Resilience
  2. Fearlessness
  3. Obsessiveness
  4. Relentlessness
  5. Passion

His above five pillars are more about strong character traits than lessons in the fundamentals of basketball. He states that hard work outweighs talent every time. Kobe said, “Mamba mentality is about 4 a.m. workouts and always doing more than the next guy.” Can your tennis athlete learn from a master in another sport? I think so!

As you know, tennis isn’t an easy game to play. It is even harder to master. Without the help of a well-educated tennis parent like you, your athlete has very little chance.


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