Proper Tennis Training

The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order




Going Into Battle Unprepared

Preparing for a tennis tournament is twofold. First, your child should consistently train properly a month or so before a big event. Secondly, they should have a pre-game set of rituals to assist them in their match preparation.

Hours before a match, Nadal morphs into a different personality. Chris Evert said she wouldn’t even call a friend before a match in fear that it may break her concentration. Before each concert, Tom Petty and Taylor Swift say that they sit quietly alone with his acoustic guitar visualizing and preparing for that night’s concert.

Preparing mind, body, and soul before a match is a learned behavior. Allowing your son to go wrestle in the grass with the other kids before a big match isn’t in his best interest. Allowing your daughter to text 39 friends then fight with her boyfriend leading into a big match isn’t in her best interest.

Knowing how and when to turn on the competitor within is critical. Assist your child in finding their own unique game-day rituals.  After the match is complete, your child can leave it all behind with no regrets.


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