Proper Preparation Rewards Emotional Aptitude Part 2

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order



In regards to spectacular preparation, let’s check in with Evan, the super-achiever, and Jarrod, the talented underachiever.


Equipment Preparation

Evan: I have a checklist of my requirements. I actually begin packing my extra shirts, uniform, socks, shoes, water, Gatorade, power bars, fruit, band-aids and athletic tape the night before. I sleep better knowing everything’s prepared.

Jarrod: Evan, you’re such a dork!  The last time I even saw my bag was when I left it in the trunk of mom’s car.



Evan: I wake up early but before I get out of bed, I calmly visualize my skill sets for 15 minutes. I focus on proper mechanics, athletic movements and spacing, my mental game strategic plans and my positive emotional composure rituals. I feel that by pre-programming the subconscious, I’ll be more likely to perform later in the zone.

Jarrod: I typically sleep in as late as possible. If I do have extra time, I love playing Pokemon Go. I skip the visualization exercise you ask me to do. Let’s be honest…I don’t need that stuff!


Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Evan: I schedule the time to enjoy a healthy breakfast approximately 2 hours prior to my competition. I did some research and understand that good carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for expanded muscle contraction and brain function. I like to apply preventative medicine to ensure that there’s little chance of a poor performance.

Jarrod: Breakfast is not my thing. I eat when I’m hungry. Hey, remember, we watched a video review of my game? You showed me how I struggled with lethargic play, decreased strength and reaction time, low endurance, slow cognitive processing speed, basic problem-solving skills, and violent negative emotional outbursts…Wait…so you’re saying that not eating may have had something to do with it?



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