Develop Comfortable Routines & Rituals


Preparing for Pressure to be released AUGUST 20th

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Develop Comfortable Routines & Rituals

“Preparing for pressure requires making the unknown …a little more known.”

Navy SEAL’s report that they spend approximately 85% of their time preparing for battle and about 15% of their time in combat situations. Their routines and rituals put them in the best possible position to handle extreme pressure. Routines and rituals are found in the four major components of our sport – the development and repetition of strokes, athleticism, mental, and emotional realms.

Simulating stressful scenarios in practice is a daily routine Navy SEAL’s and competitive tennis
players share.

Developing software skills is serious business. Under stress, athletes have to manipulate their software in order for their hardware to function correctly. For example, athletes must know how, when, and why they need to be able to calm down their nervous system to allow their fluid strokes to flow.


Poor emotional control can override the best mechanics and strategic intentions.


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