College Tennis Scholarships

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The following post is an excerpt from How to Attract a College Athletic Scholarship.

“Buyers” Market Versus “Sellers” Market
In the college athletic world, being in the “buyer” market means college coaches from prestigious universities across the nation will be begging your child to attend their schools. This is a result of the player’s (and their parent’s) focusing on developing the skills of a champion from an early age. Athletic royalty takes commitment and passion years before college. Assisting your child to build their physical, mental and emotional tool sets early will ensure that coaches will be selling you and your child on the merits of their athletic and academic programs and not the other way around.
FUN FACT: On a personal note, building a champion in her early teens saved us approximately $240,000 K on our daughters USC education. Build it first and they will come.
If on the other hand, you and your child have failed to prepare early for college athletics, college coaches will most likely not be searching your child out- hence your child will be in the “seller’ market.
What’s the “sellers” market?
In this situation, the seller’s market refers to the job of “selling” your child’s possible athletic value to college coaches, along with the thousands of other talented but unproven athletes vying for the leftover scraps of scholarship funds. If you think the task of “selling” your child’s skills is tough, wait until you have to write those dreaded big checks for their education. So I’ll say it again, build a champion and they will come. I recommend reviewing the essential material in the book: Raising Athletic Royalty.
SPECIAL NOTE: I want to clarify that developing athletic royalty skill sets usually begins well before the athletes reaches their teens, whereas, initiating the college search process usually begins the freshman year of high school.


Frank Giampaolo


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