Athletic Perfectionism?

The following post is an excerpt from The Tennis Parent’s Bible.  Thanks for visiting, Frank Giampaolo


Frank Giampaolo

“Constructive Criticism to a perfectionist isn’t seen as a positive step towards a better performance. It threatens to expose their flaws, which is a catastrophic assault on their self-worth. They don’t want the truth… They want to be correct…”

Perfectionists are often unwilling to learn because that omits a short coming or flaw. Their overriding primary concern is to prove that they’re always right. Does this antagonistic, defensive behavior hurt their chances of success? You bet…in tennis and life.

Perfectionist or not, no one likes to be criticized. If you have a perfectionist athlete, ask them to be open to suggestions, be willing to discuss options, be interested in feedback and teamwork. Maximizing potential at the quickest rate depends on teamwork.


“The path to the top is a positive and negative spiral …3 steps forward 2 steps back.”


Contact: Frank Giampaolo


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