Tag Archives: sports role models

Responsibility and Accountability Part 2

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude In Sports NOW available through most online retailers!  Click Here to Order


SOLUTION: Studying Successful Role Models

A terrific solution to becoming more responsible is to observe athletes who successfully perform at a higher level. This could be accomplished live or via YouTube. Emulate their work ethic, their demeanor, their schedule and their training methodology.

Intermediate athletes will quickly see that the winners approach their development very differently. Here are the criteria I see around the globe with high achievers:

  • They don’t rely exclusively on group training. Most often, elite athletes customize their developmental plan and schedule time to focus on their own priorities.
  • They care desperately and strive for weekly improvement.
  • They organize their schedule, developing every component needed to excel.
  • Top athletes hire an entourage of coaching experts to assist them throughout their journey. It is common for an elite athlete to have a team of technical/mechanical coaches, fitness gurus, mental/emotional experts, nutritionists, and physiotherapists, as well as a logistical manager.
  • Top athletes place their sport above their social calendar.


While recreational hobbyist may still want to maximize their potential at the quickest rate, they may not choose to invest so heavily in their chosen sport.


Maximizing Athletic Potential

The following post is an excerpt from Emotional Aptitude in Sports NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Order



Studying Successful Role Models

A terrific solution to becoming more responsible is to observe athletes who successfully perform at a higher level. This could be accomplished live or via YouTube. Emulate their work ethic, their demeanor, their schedule and their training methodology.

Intermediate athletes will quickly see that the winners approach their development very differently. Here are the criteria I see around the globe with high achievers:

  • They don’t rely exclusively on group training. Most often, elite athletes customize their developmental plan and schedule time to focus on their own priorities.
  • They care desperately and strive for weekly improvement.
  • They organize their schedule, developing every component needed to excel.
  • Top athletes hire an entourage of coaching experts to assist them throughout their journey. It is common for an elite athlete to have a team of technical/mechanical coaches, fitness gurus, mental/emotional experts, nutritionists, and physiotherapists, as well as a logistical manager.
  • Top athletes place their sport above their social calendar.


While recreational hobbyist may still want to maximize their potential at the quickest rate, they may not choose to invest so heavily in their chosen sport.