Tag Archives: legal gamesmanship

Pre-Match Gamesmanship


The following post is an excerpt from the Second Edition of The Tennis Parent’s Bible NOW available through most on-line retailers!  Click Here to Order


QUESTION: What is pre-match gamesmanship and/or intimidation?

Frank: Winning matches begins in the pre-match warm up. Controlling the opponent by exhibiting a superior demeanor causes intimidation. It’s a perception of power.  Let’s look at ten legal strategies your athlete can employ to gain a psychological advantage even before the very first point has been played.


How to Intimidate Legally in the Warm-Up Checklist:

1)      Make the opponent wait for you. This sends a message that you’re the person who’s going to control today’s match.

2)      Feed balls directly at their belly button during the warm up to see which stroke they prefer. They’ll run around their weaker side, “telling you” their deficiencies.

3)      Use your most elegant form on every stroke.

4)      Move quickly to get every ball on one bounce.

5)      If you don’t like their shot, catch the ball and re-start the rally.

6)      During baseline rallies, aim your groundstrokes deep at their feet. This serves two purposes, it grooves your depth and only provides them with defensive shot options.

7)      When they’re at the net, junk balls at their feet versus giving them hard & high confidence building volleys.

8)      As you offer lobs for their overhead smashes, re-lob deeper to make them hit off their back foot.

9)      When serving, don’t let them hit returns yet, try to steal a few returns to get a feel for their serve.

10)  Consistency is incredibly intimidating. Be steady by simply matching the ball speed.

By controlling the warm up, your athlete is sending the subliminal message that the opponent is going to have a bad day at the office.