The Missing Link to Maximizing Player Potential

Parents Educated about the Tennis Developmental Process:
The Missing Link to Maximizing Player Potential


To maximize tennis potential, it is crucial that the competitive tennis player develop strokes, athleticism, emotional and mental strengths. Unfortunately, many parents are led to believe that developing stroke proficiency is enough.  Great primary strokes and solid athleticism is a terrific start but without the development of the mental and emotional skill sets the athlete will not thrive in the elite levels.  Educating the tennis parents about the tennis developmental process will help facilitate the proper development of the athlete.


A great analogy is the home computer. A fully functioning computer system is dependent on its hardware and its software. One without the other is useless to the home user. The same holds true for your junior athlete. The athlete’s hardware includes their physical strokes and movement, and their software includes their mental and emotional components.


Systematically developing your child’s hardware and software will produce more confident, self-reliant and skilled competitors as well as young adults.


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