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Tennis Top Ten Secret Skills Number 10


How you treat lower-level athletes speaks volumes about your character.” Frank Giampaolo

Society encourages us to avoid strangers and new experiences. Remember when you were a kid “Stranger Danger”? Now, with a cell phone in one hand at all times, athletes rarely even look up.

Empathy is the tenth secret skill that defines better athletes and remarkable human beings. It’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of others to treat every person with respect, regardless of their level of play.

Empathy goes beyond the tennis court; it’s a quality that permeates every interaction, both in the tennis community and in life at large. Successful athletes are not just about trophies and rankings; they’re about treating every person they encounter with compassion and understanding.

Empathy involves listening actively, caring genuinely, and helping when you can. It’s about recognizing everyone has journey and challenges, regardless of age and skill level. It’s understanding that a kind word or gesture can mean everything in someone’s day.

The hidden skill of empathy is not just about being polite or courteous; it’s about building strong connections with the people around you. When you genuinely care about others, you create a supportive network that will provide you with what you need.

By understanding the role of empathy, you’ll become not only a better player but also a better person. Making a difference starts with being brave enough to help others make a difference. Empathy is the hidden skill that builds bridges and enriches the lives of those around you. It’s a trait that will serve you your whole life.

Tennis Top Ten Secret Skills Number 8


The measure of success is the willingness to change.

Frank Giampaolo

In the unpredictable world of tournament tennis, where opponents change, schedules shift, and court surfaces vary, adaptability emerges as the eighth secret that sets champions apart. It’s the ability to embrace change, remain flexible, and adjust your strategies based on the evolving circumstances of each match.

Successful athletes don’t resist change; they welcome it. They understand that adaptability is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity at the higher levels of the sport. In a dynamic and super competitive environment, those who can quickly adjust to new challenges are the ones who thrive.

Adaptability is a mindset that allows you to pivot and innovate. It’s about recognizing that the same strategies won’t work in every match or against every opponent. It’s the skill of looking for alternative solutions and staying open to new possibilities.

Consider the ever-changing nature of tennis. You might face opponents with vastly different playing styles, lefties or righties, encounter varying weather conditions, or deal with unexpected external factors like delays. To succeed, you must adapt your game plan to suit the circumstances. The champions who consistently perform well in different situations are masters of adaptability.

This hidden skill also extends to your mental game. It’s about remaining composed under pressure and adjusting your mental approach when things aren’t going as planned. Adaptability in the mental realm is crucial for maintaining peak performance. Learning to adapt requires a willingness to embrace discomfort and uncertainty. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone and experimenting with new strategies and techniques. It’s also about self-awareness, recognizing when something isn’t working, and having the courage to make changes.

Adaptability is not a fixed trait; it can be developed and honed through practice and experience. It’s a skill that champions continually work on, refining their ability to adjust and thrive in the face of change.

By understanding the role of adaptability, you can become a more versatile and resilient player. Adaptability is the hidden skill that turns uncertainty into opportunity, enabling you to stay one step ahead in the ever-evolving game of tennis. It’s a trait that champions embrace, and you should, too.

Tennis Top Ten Secret Skills Number 7


Your real successes lie where comfort meets discomfort. You’ve got to embrace discomfort.”

Frank Giampaolo

High-performance tennis is a roller coaster of ups and downs, victories and defeats. It’s a sport where triumphs and setbacks often occur within a single tournament. It’s where your mental fortitude can be your greatest ally or fiercest opponent. This is another hidden trait that defines champions.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, withstand the pressures of competition, and view losses as opportunities for growth rather than dead-ends. It’s a skill forged in the heat of competition, where your response to challenges can make all the difference.

Successful athletes don’t let the downs keep them down. Instead, they use every setback as a learning tool. They understand that losses are not failures but lessons and are eager to learn from what happened. Resilience is about having the attitude that there’s always something to improve in the four pillars of the game: strokes, athleticism, mental, and emotional.

One of the critical aspects of resilience is the ability to analyze and learn from your performance. Successful athletes often engage in match-play video analysis with a mental coach. This process allows them to pinpoint areas that need improvement, identify patterns in their play, and make strategic adjustments.

Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back; it’s also about bouncing forward- the hidden skill that propels you to new heights after a setback, making you stronger, wiser, and more determined.

By understanding the role of resilience in your tennis career, you can develop the mental toughness required to navigate the inevitable ups and downs. Resilience is the trait that propels you toward success, both on and off the court.

Tennis Top Ten Secret Skills Number 6

Continual Learning

The greatest threat to your development is thinking you already know.” Frank Giampaolo

This sixth hidden skill, known as continual learning, propels you to new heights and keeps you at the forefront of the game. Successful athletes put learning above winning. They are perpetually curious in their pursuit of improvement. They understand that the sport of tennis, like life itself, is a dynamic and ever-changing entity. To thrive in this environment, they must adapt and evolve.

Continual learning encompasses various dimensions of your tennis journey. It begins with seeking knowledge beyond the boundaries of your current understanding. It means reading books, listening to audiobooks, watching videos, and studying the mental and emotional aspects of the game. Successful athletes often turn to sports psychology and the experiences of other top athletes for insights and strategies.

Champions recognize that knowledge is interconnected. Learning secrets from other sports can provide new ideas and fresh perspectives. For instance, the mental toughness of a professional golfer may offer valuable insights for managing nerves during a critical match point.

The continual learning process involves asking questions, seeking answers, and never assuming you already know everything. It’s about challenging your assumptions, testing your limits, and embracing a growth mindset that welcomes challenges as opportunities for development.

One of the hidden benefits of continual learning is adaptability. When you are open to new ideas and insights, you become more flexible in your approach to the game. You are better equipped to adjust your strategies and tactics based on the ever-changing dynamics of tennis.

It’s important to note that continual learning extends beyond the technical aspects of the sport. It also encompasses emotional intelligence and mental resilience. Successful athletes understand that the mental and emotional dimensions of the game are as crucial as the physical ones, and they invest in developing these areas.

By understanding the role of continual learning in your tennis career, you can adapt, grow, and stay ahead of the competition. Continual learning is a trait that champions embrace, and you can too.

Tennis Top Ten Secret Skills Number 5

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s upcoming Playbook Series.

Time Management

The key isn’t about spending large quantities of time on court. Rather, it’s to spend quality time on court.” -Frank Giampaolo

Time is both a precious commodity and a critical resource. Effective time management emerges as a hidden skill that distinguishes champions. It’s the art of making every minute count, ensuring that your efforts align with your ambitions.

Mastering time management is about skillfully allocating your most valuable resource—your time to the tasks that matter most. It means staying mentally present during training sessions fully engaged in the process. High achievers attribute much of their ability to remaining organized, setting precise schedules, and adhering to them. Its about prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency rather than simply doing the Academy drill of the moment.

If you’ve ever observed someone who consistently stays calm under pressure and effortlessly juggles multiple responsibilities, you’ve likely witnessed the power of effective time management.

However, time management is not solely about work and practice. It’s also about creating a balanced life that nurtures your well-being.

Time management is the hidden skill that turns busy schedules into productive routines, enabling you to make the most of every moment on your path to success.

Tennis Top Ten Secret Skills Number 4

The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s upcoming Playbook Series.

Being Improvement Minded

The trouble with not having clear improvement goals is that you can hit balls all day… every day and never achieve results.” Frank Giampaolo

It’s not enough to simply hit balls endlessly without deliberate direction. Champions understand that actual progress requires a clear focus on improvement—a hidden skill that propels them at a faster rate toward their outcome goals.

Successful athletes have a secret: they maintain a deliberate and customized developmental plan. They don’t just practice for the sake of hitting; they know precisely what they’re working on, why they’re doing it, and how it will help them achieve their goals.

To adopt this hidden skill, you’ll set clear, achievable weekly goals. These goals should be based on your tournament performances, where you objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses. After each event, list three target improvements you’ll focus on. Share these topics with your team of coaches.

The process doesn’t stop at setting goals. After planning these improvements, taking actionable steps to reach them is essential. Develop a blueprint for your improvement plan, detailing your strategies. Then, rigorously execute your plan, staying on target until you are satisfied with your progress.

This secret skill transforms practice into a more purposeful endeavor. It ensures that every moment you spend on the court is a step toward becoming a better player. It shifts your focus from quantity to quality, from mindless repetition to intentional progress.

With a clear focus on improvement, you can avoid hitting a plateau where your efforts yield diminishing returns. You may find yourself stuck in a cycle of frustration, endlessly repeating the same mental mistakes without understanding how to correct them.

Consider the journey of a tennis player as a series of milestones. Each improvement goal you set is a step that brings you closer to your ultimate destination. This approach separates those who merely hit balls from those who systematically build their skills.

You can accelerate your journey toward success by understanding the importance of setting clear goals and continuously working to improve. Improvement is not a destination but a perpetual process, and it’s a skill that anyone can cultivate with the right mindset and dedication.

Tennis Top Ten Secrets for Success Number 3


The following post is an excerpt from Frank’s upcoming Playbook Series.


“Optimism doesn’t mean you’re always happy or ignore problems; optimistic athletes believe in possibilities.” Frank Giampaolo

Optimism shines as the third hidden skill that distinguishes champions from the rest. Maintaining a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity, can be a game-changer, both on and off the court. Successful individuals from all walks of life choose positivity as a guiding principle. Tennis players who consistently perform at their best understand the value of optimism. It doesn’t mean they’re perpetually happy or that they ignore problems. Instead, they possess an unyielding belief in possibilities.

Optimists have a unique way of viewing the world. They see opportunities where others might see obstacles. When faced with a difficult opponent or challenging circumstances, they don’t dwell on what they lack; instead, they focus on what they can achieve with the resources at hand.

Gratitude and appreciation play a significant role in maintaining an optimistic mindset. Successful athletes often express gratitude for their abilities, their opportunities, and the people who support them. This gratitude fuels their determination and keeps them focused on their goals.

The trait of optimism is a mindset that is developed through consistent practice and self-awareness. It’s about training yourself to focus on solutions rather than problems. It’s maintaining a sense of hope when faced with challenges.

Optimism is a personal asset and a powerful tool for managing stress and pressure. In the heat of competition, remaining positive can boost your resilience and help you stay composed when the going gets tough. Optimism reminds you that setbacks are temporary and that every loss lights your path to improvement.

Many successful athletes, from tennis stars to Olympians, credit their optimistic outlook as a significant factor in their achievements. They understand that maintaining a positive mindset is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for sustained success.

Tennis Top Ten Secrets for Success Number 2

The following is an excerpt from Frank’s upcoming Playbook Series.


Discipline is what connects your dreams to your accomplishment.” Frank Giampaolo

Success in high-performance tennis is rooted in the commitment to discipline—the second hidden skill that separates champions from the rest. Discipline is the driving force that propels you towards your goals and bridges the gap between ambition and achievement.

If you were to observe the daily lives of elite tennis players, you would witness a relentless dedication to their craft. The hours spent on the court, in the gym, and mental training are all testament to the discipline that underpins their success. They understand that reaching their tennis goals requires consistent, methodical effort, and they are willing to put in the work.

Discipline is not just about following a strict routine but cultivating positive habits. Over time, these habits become part of your daily life, ingrained in your character. The choices you make, day in and day out, shape your journey and determine your destiny.

Your positive choices today become your habits tomorrow. And these habits, in turn, become your routines. Your routines propel you toward your goals, whether those are related to tennis or any other area of life.

Discipline extends beyond the physical realm. It encompasses mental toughness, the ability to handle the typical negative chatter in the mind. That is what sets champions apart.

In tennis, discipline means more than just showing up for practice and hitting balls. It means practicing intentionally, setting clear goals, and constantly pushing yourself past your preconceived limitations. It means making the tough decisions that align with your long-term objectives, even when faced with short-term temptations.

The disciplined approach is not easy; it requires sacrifice. It demands that you prioritize your improvement goals above immediate gratification. It means saying no to temptations that may derail your progress. But the rewards of discipline are immeasurable. Discipline is the foundation upon which champions are built.

By understanding the role of discipline in your tennis journey, you’ll be better equipped to thrive in competition.

Tennis and Self-Acceptance

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COMING SOON: The Tennis Encyclopedia


The toughest thing is to look in the mirror and accept yourself.” Frank Giampaolo

In the world of high-performance tennis, the first and perhaps most crucial hidden skill is self-acceptance. It’s the ability to embrace who you are, flaws and all, and to understand that true success begins with an honest assessment of oneself.

The top ATP and WTA stars, the ones we admire and watch on the biggest stages, are imperfect. They don’t possess superhero abilities, nor are they devoid of weaknesses. Instead, they possess a unique understanding of themselves—both their strengths and their limitations. They’ve learned to develop their tennis identity, which allows them to leverage their strengths while working to improve their weaknesses.

In a world that encourages imitation, these champions don’t waste time and energy training to be someone they’re not. They focus, instead, on becoming the best version of themselves. They understand that authenticity is their greatest asset.

So, what does self-acceptance in tennis truly mean? It starts with recognizing your understanding of how your personality and body type shape your style of play. You don’t have to fit in others’ mold; you can create your path to success by being unapologetically yourself—faults and all.

The impact of honest self-acceptance goes beyond just self-assurance. It directly influences your style of play on the court. You’re more likely to play confidently in tournament competition when you embrace who you are and accept your superpowers and limitations.

Consider, for a moment, the various playing styles in tennis: the power hitter, the steady retriever, and the all-court player. Each style is a product of an individual’s unique qualities and abilities. When you truly accept yourself, you can better understand which playing style suits you best and how to optimize it. Start by asking yourself, are you a grinder or disruptor?

Let’s be clear: self-acceptance is not about complacency. It’s not an excuse to ignore areas that need improvement. Instead, it’s a foundation for building your tennis career. By acknowledging your weaknesses, you can work strategically to enhance them, turning them into strengths over time.

While fundamentals are essential, competition is not just about hitting the ball cleanly; it’s also about the battle within yourself. Self-acceptance is your armor in that battle—a powerful tool that can shape your destiny in the world of high-performance tennis.

Tennis- Beyond the Comfort Zone

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Beyond the Comfort Zone

Elena was a naturally gifted athlete. She played years of sports, honing her athleticism. Elena dominated local girls’ 12’s tournaments. Yet, the allure of her comfort zone was too great. As we trained, change wasn’t a welcome topic. We often talked about her talent being confined within the invisible walls she built inside. I tried like crazy to motivate her to venture beyond her familiar boundaries. Elena wouldn’t budge. Her fixed mindset led her down over and over. Now a D-3 college player, her greatest memories are in the girls’ 12’s when she was the Southern California “It girl.” She was the one everyone predicted could go pro. Elena’s mindset serves as a reminder that genuine contenders need much more than strokes. They need the inner strength to face and then overcome the unfamiliar.

2.1 Stepping Beyond Boundaries

Within the competitive game, a stark truth emerges: True contenders aren’t content with staying within the confines of their comfort zone. They understand that the comfort zone while providing solace, is a place where growth remains elusive. Champions aren’t developed in comfort. They’re eager to test their limits and push themselves to evolve.

2.2 The Silent Opponent

Complacency is the silent killer. Recognize that to excel, you need to expand your horizons continually. Beyond the safety of routine lies the lessons where true growth occurs. The decision to venture beyond comfort is a deliberate choice that requires courage, an open mind, and the willingness to embrace the unknown.

2.3 Where Growth Occurs

The most impactful lessons are learned outside the familiar. Contender like Elana, who remained stagnant within their comfort zone, limited their potential. Athletes like you bravely explore uncharted territories and uncover hidden dimensions of strength. The game becomes a stage for competition and a playground for self-discovery and transformation.

Let Elena’s story inspire you to step outside your comfort zone, view challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for transformation and recognize that only exploring the unfamiliar will reveal your true capabilities.